MeasTex: Using the Framework


The MeasTex framework defines a complete environment for benchmarking texture classification algorithms. It specifies the format of the test files, the interface requirements on an algorithm, a comparison metric, and the procedure for testing the algorithm.

The framework is made available and installation is straight forward following the simple instructions. To begin using the framework you require the following

Directory Structure

The framework directory structure keeps test suite files and result files in distinct directory trees ; imgs and algs, respectively. A separate subdirectory under the imgs directory exists for each test suite and contains the associated test problem files (*.Test, *.Valid) and image files (*.pgm).

Results for each algorithm (including variants) are stored in a separate directory under the algs directory. Within each algorithm directory is a directory for each of the test suites. These directories contain the result files (*.out) and score files (*.score, *.score_wta) for the algorithm on each of the test problems in the test suite.

The framework files are kept in the remaining directories. All the programs including algorithm executables and scripts for running the framework are found in the bin directory. Source code and html documentation reside in the src and www directories, respectively. A map of the directory structure is shown below. The dotted region indicates directories which may be located independent of the rest of the structure. See Using Alternative Algorithm and Test Suite Directories below.

Testing the Algorithm

Using the programs provided, results can be obtained automatically. All control script commands should be issued from the MeasTex top-level directory unless you have set the MEASTEX_ROOT environment variable.

    sh:  set MEASTEX_ROOT <dir> ; export $MEASTEX_ROOT

    csh: setenv MEASTEX_ROOT <dir>

  where <dir> is the top-level directory of the MeasTex installation. 

To benchmark algorithm algName with command algCommand on all available test suites, use the runalg command.

	> runalg algName algCommand
This script creates the directory algs/algName.alg and then further directories algs/algName.alg/testSuite.ts for each test suite, testSuite. Within each testSuite directory are written the classification result files (.out) for each individual test in testSuite. For example, using the GMRF algorithm with the standard fourth-order mask (See Gauss Markov Random Fields, markovClass) we type
	> runalg markov markovClass -mask std4s

This command creates the directory algs/markov.alg with a subdirectory for each test suite directory found in the imgs directory, along with the appropriate classification output files.

Scoring the Algorithm

When runalg has finished, we can measure the performance by scoring the algorithm. The runscore script has been provided to accomplish this task and is called with the single argument,

	> runscore algName

This script processes each classification result file (.out) in each algs/algName.alg/testSuite.ts directory, scoring the results and writing a score file (.score) for each. The .score files contain individual performance results for each class and also an overall score for all classes. If the wta option is given to runscore, winner-take-all score files (.score_wta) are created.

Three other options are available to the runscore program : they specify the type of normalization to use in the metric. The default behaviour (nn) is no normalization. Using this option makes the winner-take-all scores identical to the Percentage Correct score. The other two options normalize the measure by subtracting the L1-norm (bn) or L2-norm (pn) normalized priors and dividing by 1.0 - (L1-norm or L2-norm normalized priors), respectively. When the algorithm output probabilities are used (no wta option), the normalize the measure will give a maximum value of 1 to an algorithm which is 100 % confident and correct. A score of 0 is awarded to an algorithm which scores equivalent to the expectation of the prior probabilities of the winner-take-all classification (bn) or probability vector classification (pn). Hence, negative scores ARE possible and indicate an algorithm which does worse than guess to the prior probabilities.

collateResults collects the scores for a test suite and produces a file algs/algName.alg/testSuite.res containing the overall scores and a summary score (summed individual test scores).

The above two steps (runalg and collateResults) has been automated by two other scripts, processScores and processAllScores. processScores performs the above for a single algName and processAllScores calls processScores for each algName.alg in the algs directory.

Finally, HTML pages can be created from the .res files by using the scripts genAlgHTML and genResHTML. Again, genAlgHTML processes a single algName while genResHTML processes all algName.alg's in the algs directory.

Using Alternative Algorithm and Test Suite Directories

Two other environment variables give users the flexibility to specify alternative algorithm result directories and alternative test suite directories.

The MEASTEX_ALGS environment variable allows algorithm results to be written to an alternative directory other than $MEASTEX_ROOT/algs. This is particularly useful when multiple users access the same framework installation.

The MEASTEX_IMGS environment variable allows the default $MEASTEX_ROOT/imgs directory to be re-specified. This is also useful in multi-user installations BUT more importantly, provides a means of using only a subset of the test suites. That is, by creating a new imgs directory and creating symbolic links to a subset of the test suite directories in $MEASTEX_ROOT/imgs, only these tests will be run.

See other
scripts and programs.

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Guy Smith
Ian Burns

Last Modified: Tue May 27 17:34:32 EST 1997